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Widely Used Phrase
أهلاً وسهلاً.
صباح الخير.
Good morning.
يسعدني أن ألتقي بك.
Nice to meet you.
شكرًا لك.
Thank you.
كيف حالك؟
How are you?
من فضلك.
Excuse Me.
على الرحب والسعة.
You’re welcome.
أتمنى لك يومًا لطيفًا.
Have a nice day.
صباح الخير.
Good morning.
مساء الخير.
Good afternoon.
تصبح على خير.
Good night.
يسعدني أن ألتقي بك.
Nice to meet you.
يسعدني أن ألتقي بك.
It’s a pleasure to meet you.
أتمنى لك عطلة نهاية أسبوع سعيدة.
Have a good weekend.
دع ​​الأوقات الجميلة تستمر.
Let the good times roll.
أحلام سعيدة.
Sweet dreams.
أطيب التمنيات.
Best Wishes.
أحلام سعيدة.
Sweet dreams.
أنا أحبك.
I love you.
أنا أحبك أيضًا.
I love you too.
أنا أحبك أكثر.
I love you more.
أنا أحبك بشدة.
I'm deeply in love with you.
نحن نحبك.
We love you.
أنت جميلة.
You are beautiful.
I will miss you.
أنا معجب بك.
I like you.
أنا أحبك بشدة.
I'm deeply in love with you.
كل لحظة معك ثمينة.
Every moment with you is precious.
لا أستطيع أن أتخيل حياتي بدونك.
I can't imagine my life without you.
هل تتزوجيني؟
Will you marry me?
كم سعره؟
How much does it cost?
هل لديكم هذا باللون الأزرق؟
Do you have this in blue colour?
هل يمكنني تجربته؟
Can I try this on?
أين غرفة القياس؟
Where is the fitting room?
إنه باهظ الثمن!
That's expensive!
هل لديكم أي عروض أو خصومات؟
Do you have any sales or discounts?
ما أفضل سعر يمكنكم تقديمه لي؟
What’s the best price you can give me?
هل هذا هو السعر النهائي؟
Is this the final price?
هل يمكنني إرجاع هذا إذا لم يكن مناسبًا؟
Can I return this if it doesn't fit?
هل يمكنني الدفع نقدًا أو ببطاقة؟
Can I pay by cash or card?
هل يمكنني الحصول على إيصال من فضلك؟
Can I get a receipt, please?
أود استبدال هذا بمقاس مختلف.
I’d like to exchange this for a different size.
أين محطة الحافلات؟
Where is the bus station?
متى تصل؟
When does it arrive?
أين يمكنني شراء تذكرة؟
Where can I buy a ticket?
كم سعر التذكرة؟
How much is a ticket?
أرغب في تغيير تذكرتي.
I would like to change my ticket.
أين موقف سيارات الأجرة؟
Where is the taxi stand?
من فضلك اتصل بسيارة أجرة من أجلي.
Please call a taxi for me.
كم سيكلف ذلك؟
How much will it cost?
هل يمكنك اصطحابي إلى الفندق؟
Can you take me to the hotel?
لدي حجز لغرفة.
I have a reservation for a room.
كم سعر الغرفة؟
How much is the room?
غرفتي بحاجة إلى التنظيف.
My room needs to be cleaned.
أين محطة الحافلات؟
Where is the restaurant?
متى تصل؟
I would like breakfast.
أين يمكنني شراء تذكرة؟
I would like lunch.
كم سعر التذكرة؟
I would like dinner.
أرغب في تغيير تذكرتي.
I would like some water.
أين موقف سيارات الأجرة؟
May I see a menu?
من فضلك اتصل بسيارة أجرة من أجلي.
I am ready to order some food.
كم سيكلف ذلك؟
I'm allergic to peanuts.
هل يمكنك اصطحابي إلى الفندق؟
I'm allergic to fish.
لدي حجز لغرفة.
I don't eat beef.
كم سعر الغرفة؟
I'm vegan.
غرفتي بحاجة إلى التنظيف.
I would like to pay.

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About Our Translation Tool

Our Arabic to English Translation Tool is powered by the Google Translation API. To use it, simply type in the left-hand text area and click on the "Translate" button. Our app will then translate your Arabic word, phrase, or sentence into English. You can also visit our homepage to type in Arabic.

The translation takes just a few seconds and supports up to 1500 characters per request. Although the translation may not be 100% accurate, it provides a basic idea, and with a few modifications, it can be quite accurate. This translation software is evolving day by day, and Google engineers are continuously working on it to make Arabic to English translations more accurate and intelligent. Hopefully, it will one day produce near-perfect translations!

Arabic language is widely spoken, with more than 422 million people around the world speaking it. For Arabic speakers whose English is not strong, translating from Arabic to English can be challenging. Many websites offer translation services for a fee. While it’s a good idea to pay for translating large amounts of text, such as books or articles, or for professional purposes, there’s no need to pay for commonly used phrases, greetings, or for other informal uses. For these purposes, our tool can be quite helpful.

You can copy the translated text and share it on social media platforms such as Facebook or Twitter, or email it to friends or family.

If you have any suggestions or come across a particularly amusing translation, please share it with us on our Facebook page. And finally, don’t forget to give us a like and share our page with your loved ones on Facebook.

Key Features of Our Translation Tool

Arabic sentences and phrases will be translated into English meanings.

For example, typing:
"هناك أكثر من 422 مليون ناطق باللغة العربية" will be translated into "There are over 422 million native speakers of Arabic"

Use our translator tool as Arabic to English dictionary.

For instance:
"جميل (Jamil)" meaning in English will be "Beautiful"
"شجاع (Shujae)" meaning in English will be "Brave"

Powered by Google.

High accuracy rate.

Instant online translation.

Translate up to 1500 characters per request.

Unlimited translations available.

Get translated text in Unicode fonts, allowing you to easily copy and paste it anywhere on the Web or into desktop applications.

Best of all, this translation tool is FREE!

Commonly Spoken Arabic to English Phrases

أحبك - ('ahbak)
I Love you
أهلا بك - ('ahlaan bik)
مرحبا - (marhabaan)
كيف حالكم؟ - (kayf halikm?)
How are you?
جيد وأنت؟ - (jayid wa'ant?)
I’m fine and you?
ما اسمك؟ - (ma asmak?)
What is your name?
اسمي هو ... - (aismi hu ...)
My name is ...
ممتن لمقابلتك - (mumtan limuqabalatik)
Pleased to meet you
شكرا لكم - (shukraan lakum)
Thank you
إسمح لي / آسف - ('ismah li / asif)
Excuse me / Sorry
هل تتكلم اللغة الإنجليزية؟ - (hal tatakalam allughat al'iinjaliziat?)
Do you speak English?
انا لا اتحدث العربية جيدا - ('ana la 'atahadath alearabiat jayidaan)
I don’t speak Arabic well
أنا لا أفهم - ('ana la 'afham)
I don’t understand
من فضلك تحدث ببطء - (min fadlik tahadath bbt')
Please speak slowly
أين هي دورات المياه؟ - ('ayn hi dawrat almyah?)
Where are the restrooms?
هل يمكنني تغيير النقود؟ - (hal yumkinuni taghyir alnuqud?)
Can I change money?
كم ثمن هذا؟ - (kam thaman hadha?)
How much is this?
انه غالى جدا! - ('iinah ghala jda!)
It’s too expensive!
من فضلك قلها مرة أخرى - (min fadlik qulha maratan 'ukhraa)
Please say it again
يسار / يمين / مستقيم - (yasar / yamin / mustaqim)
Left / Right / Straight

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How does Arabic To English text translation work?

Our translation service uses either Google or Microsoft to translate the text you type in Arabic.

Whenever you type a word, sentence, or phrase in Arabic, we send API requests to either Google or Microsoft for the translation. In return, they send back a response with the translated text in English.

Their system use machine-language technologies to bring together some cutting edge technologies such as artificial intelligence (deep learning), big data, Web APIs, cloud computing, and more to perform high-quality translations.

Can we download this translation service?

No. At the moment, you can only use our Arabic translation service online.

However, you can install the Chrome extension tool called Google Translate Chrome Extension.

Once the translation tool is installed, you can highlight and right-click section of text, then click on "Translate" icon to translate it into the language of your choice. Additionally, you can translate entire web pages by clicking on the "Translate" icon in the browser toolbar.

This tool supports over 100 languages.

What other tools do you have for Arabic typing and translation?

We offer the following tools:

  1. Arabic Typing Input Tool:

    With this tool, you can type in English and get the text in Arabic. For example, typing "Kayf halik" will give you "كيف حالك". This makes typing in Arabic easy, as you don't need to remember the complex Arabic keyboard layout. Please visit to use this tool.

    This Arabic typing is absolutely free, and you can email the text you have typed to anyone — including yourself.

  2. Arabic Speech Translator:

    Arabic speech translation services are provided by both Microsoft and Google. They use their respective cognitive services to translate spoken words and phrases into the language of your choice. For some languages, you can also hear the translation spoken aloud.

    Microsoft Translator, in particular, powers speech translation features across its products, which can be used for live presentations, in-person or remote translated communication (e.g., Skype), media subtitling, customer support, and business intelligence.

Is this translation FREE?

Yes, this Arabic to English text translation is absolutely FREE. You can use our translation tool for both personal and commercial purposes.

However, we have the following restrictions:

  1. Per Request Limit: You can translate up to a maximum of 1500 words per request. However, there is no limit to the number of requests you can make.

  2. Daily Limit: While you can submit multiple requests for translation, you will not be able to translate once we reach our daily quota.

These restrictions are in place to prevent abuse of this service by robots or automated software.

Can I translate from English To Arabic?

Yes. To translate from English to Arabic, visit this link.

Why is the translated text not accurate?

As explained earlier, machine translation technology is used to perform the translation. This software is evolving every day, and over time, the translations will become more accurate — especially for commonly used phrases and sentences.

At the moment, it is not perfect, but our translation software is useful for those who need help framing sentences and getting a general idea of the message being conveyed.