Welcome to home of best and popular Tamil fonts. Browse and download Unicode, Ansi and Google Tamil web fonts on your mobile and desktop devices for FREE. Below is the selection of some of the popular fonts for displaying and typing Hindi scripts.

Unicode Tamil Fonts

We have some of the best Unicode Tamil font. These Unicode is idea for typing in both Latin and Tamil Scripts. The vast majority of computer and Web browsers use Unicode mapping, making these fonts ideal choice for displaying text on screen.

How do I download and install Tamil font?

→ Open the Windows Explorer and go to C:\Windows\Fonts directory.

→ Then go to Control Panel, click on "Fonts", click on "Install New Fonts" and finally go to the directory where you have downloaded and extracted the font file.

→ Select all the fonts and click ok. This will install the required fonts.

→ After installation, you should now be able to see the Bengali fonts on Microsoft Word or any other program that support text processing

→ If you are unable to see the installed font, you might need to restart the computer.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between Unicode & ANSI Tamil font?

Both ANSI and UTF-8 are encoding formats. ANSI is a Microsoft-related standard for character and it is used to encode Latin Alphabets. Whereas, UTF-8 is one of the implementations of Unicode that includes more than 128,000 characters.

What is Unicode?

Unicode is a universal character encoding standard. It defines how individual character is represented in web pages or any other types of text files and documents.

There are different types of Unicode encoding with UTF-8 and UTF-16 being the most common. The UTF-8 encoding is used on the Web and it is the default encoding standard used in many software programs.

UTF-8 Unicode encoding can support up to four bytes to represent characters. For English characters, UTF-8 uses only one byte. European (Latin), Hebrew, and Arabic characters are represented with two bytes. On the other hand, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and other Asian characters are represented with three bytes. Some special characters are even represented with four bytes.

Hindi Currency Exchange
Currency Unit Nepali Rs.
U. S Dollar 1 Dollar ($) 137.7109 Rs
UK Pound 1 Pound (£) 177.9086 Rs
Euro 1 Euro 149.7916 Rs
Malaysian Ringgit 1 M. Ringgit 31.1349 Rs
Saudi Riyal 1 S. Riyal 36.7108 Rs
Bahrain Dinar 1 Dinar 367.5054 Rs
Qatari Riyal 1 Q. Riyal 37.871 Rs