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Our English to Portuguese Translation Tool is powered by the Google Translation API. To use it, simply type in the left-hand text area and click on the "Translate" button. Our app will then translate your English word, phrase, or sentence into Portuguese.
The translation takes just a few seconds and supports up to 1500 characters per request. Although the translation may not be 100% accurate, it provides a basic idea, and with a few modifications, it can be quite accurate. This translation software is evolving day by day, and Google engineers are continuously working on it to make Portuguese translations more accurate and intelligent. Hopefully, it will one day produce near-perfect translations!
Portuguese language is widely spoken, with more than 250 million people around the world speaking it. For those who cannot speak Portuguese language, translating Portuguese to English can be challenging. There are many website that provide translation service for a fee. While it’s a good idea to pay for translating large amounts of text, such as books or articles, or for professional purposes, there’s no need to pay for commonly used phrases, greetings, or for other informal uses. For these purposes, our tool can be quite helpful.
You can copy the translated text and share it on social media platforms such as Facebook or Twitter, or email it to friends or family.
If you have any suggestions or come across a particularly amusing translation, please share it with us on our Facebook page. And finally, don’t forget to give us a like and share our page with your loved ones on Facebook.
English sentences and phrases will be translated into Portuguese.
For example, typing "Portuguese speakers are also passionate people." will be translated into "Os falantes de português também são pessoas apaixonadas."
Powered by Google
High accuracy rate
Instant online translation
Translate up to 1500 characters per request.
Best of all, this translation tool is FREE!
I Love you Eu te amo Welcome Bem-vindo Hello Olá How are you? Como você está? I’m fine and you? Estou bem, e você? What is your name? Qual o seu nome? My name is Joao Meu nome é João Pleased to meet you Prazer em conhecê-lo Thank you Obrigada Excuse me / Sorry Com licença, desculpe |
Do you speak English? Você fala inglês? I don’t speak Portuguese well Eu não falo bem português I don’t understand Não entendo Please speak slowly Por favor fale lentamente Where are the restrooms? Onde ficam os banheiros? Can I change money? Posso trocar dinheiro? How much is this? Quanto é este? It’s too expensive! É muito caro! Please say it again Por favor, diga novamente Left / Right / Straight Esquerda / Direita / Reta |
Our translation service uses either Google or Microsoft to translate the text you type in English.
Whenever you type a word, sentence, or phrase in English, we send API requests to either Google or Microsoft for the translation. In return, they send back a response with the translated text in Portuguese.
Their system use machine-language technologies to bring together some cutting edge technologies such as artificial intelligence (deep learning), big data, Web APIs, cloud computing, and more to perform high-quality translations.
No. At the moment, you can only use our Portuguese translation service online.
However, you can install the Chrome extension tool called Google Translate Chrome Extension.
Once the translation tool is installed, you can highlight and right-click section of text, then click on "Translate" icon to translate it into the language of your choice. Additionally, you can translate entire web pages by clicking on the "Translate" icon in the browser toolbar.
This tool supports over 100 languages.
With this tool, you can type in English and get the text in Portuguese. This makes typing in Portuguese easy, as you don't need to remember the complex Portuguese keyboard layout. Please visit to use this tool.
Portuguese speech translation services are provided by both Microsoft and Google. They use their respective cognitive services to translate spoken words and phrases into the language of your choice. For some languages, you can also hear the translation spoken aloud.
Microsoft Translator, in particular, powers speech translation features across its products, which can be used for live presentations, in-person or remote translated communication (e.g., Skype), media subtitling, customer support, and business intelligence.
Yes, this English to Portuguese text translation is absolutely FREE. You can use our translation tool for both personal and commercial purposes.
However, we have the following restrictions:
These restrictions are in place to prevent abuse of this service by robots or automated software.
As explained earlier, machine translation technology is used to perform the translation. This software is evolving every day, and over time, the translations will become more accurate — especially for commonly used phrases and sentences.
At the moment, it is not perfect, but our translation software is useful for those who need help framing sentences and getting a general idea of the message being conveyed.