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ଓରିୟା typing software is loading
Oriya typing software is loading ...
You can now type in Oriya in this text area …
  • Typing romanised English words in above textarea will be converted into Oriya.

    For instance:
    Typing "tume kemiti acha?" will be converted into "ତୁମେ କେମିତି ଅଛ?"
  • Use backspace or click on any words to get more choices on a dropdown menu.
  • Press (Ctrl + G) together to toggle (switch) between English and Oriya language.
  • Once you have finished typing in Oriya you can also email it to anyone, including yourself.
  • To post the content in Oriya on Facebook, Twitter, or format it on a text editor such as Word Document - simply copy and paste.
  • Auto recovery - In case of sudden crash of the browser, our system recovers the store text from your computer.
  • Copy or download transliterated Odia text on your computer.
  • This Oriya transliteration is FREE. We don't charge a Rial, Cent, Penny or Rupee.
Translate English words, sentences and phrases into Oriya for FREE.
Translate Oriya words, sentences and phrases into English for FREE.
Download High quality Oriya Keyboard layout in 5 different colour modes.
Download High quality Kannada Keyboard layout in 5 different colour modes.
Indian Currency Exchange
Currency Unit Indian Rs.
U. S Dollar 1 Dollar ($) 85.5251 Rs
UK Pound 1 Pound (£) 110.4989 Rs
Euro 1 Euro 92.3792 Rs
Saudi Riyal 1 S. Riyal 22.7992 Rs
Bahrain Dinar 1 Dinar 226.9159 Rs
Qatari Riyal 1 Q. Riyal 23.4911 Rs
Type in English, Get In Hindi. E.g. Typing Aap kasai hai? becomes आप कैसे हैं?.
Type in English, Get In Malayalam. E.g. Typing halea becomes ഹലോ.